Thursday, 7 May 2009

Tree 2 - Elephantine

There is something about this creature that reminds me of a very sad and very elderly elephant. They always say that 'an elephant never forgets' and the melancholy reflected in its eye makes me feel very sad.


  1. That's amazing--that these trees exist and that you saw this in them. sometimes i stand in the midst of a circle of trees and sense i'm being hugged, and then I breathe in all that tree energy floating around me.

  2. I enjoyed my time here. Good luck with your blog.

  3. Yes, Laurie, I agree with you - I think its something to do with the 'eye' sort of looking down, it's a sort of resigned defeat ( or maybe it's just me that feels like that today, haha!) It is a very beautiful photograph, and it's amazing how you have 'seen' it, as I would probably have completely missed it. Great stuff on your blog, as always x

  4. Margaret, I like the idea of breathing in the tree energy. I now have to look for a circle of trees. Laurie

  5. Thanks Liz. I am glad you can see it, too. Tiddles looks to be coming up with some good ideas!

  6. It is SO like and elephant! Well spotted.

  7. What a beautiful tree - it looks a little sad and worn but in the good, character-building sort of way. :)

  8. Trees make marvellous friends and I hope you are all going to take the time to visit some and have a chat. They will appreciate it, you know. Special tip: if you press your ear against a tree trunk, you can sometimes hear the inner gurgling as it drinks and the sap rises. An artist recently attached a microphone to a tree and recorded a lot of sound coming from it - very eerie. So remember - be nice to trees!

  9. I love trees - and it's as simple as that!
    Thank you for sharing their unique beauty.
