Thursday 12 March 2009

Another Angel

Here is another angel. Note how young she is. She dates from the early 1900s. I'd love to hear your views on the subject of angels.


  1. These cemetery angels are lovely and would make a nice grouping of pictures over a small table in an entry way...

  2. I love these sort of images - and the one earlier of the avenue of trees; and what a good analogy (to create pictures in your mind). I will be following closely and must re-read what you have written. Good to meet you and thanks for following my blog/s.

  3. Teri, Thank you. A great suggestion which I will try out. Laurie

  4. Ann, Thanks. I an glad you like the images and especially the avenue of trees which quite caught my imagination. Laurie

  5. Laurie, I know I've commented already, but can you tell me where the top angel is? I'd love to take a pic to use in one of my textile books; I think she would look quite magical printed on fabric, rather than using one of my usual methods, though even those would work.
