Monday, 11 October 2010

New Home, New Garden

Well, it has finally stopped raining and, as the sun came out, I took the opportunity to take the first photographs at our new home. While not Hillside Cottage, there are a number of plus points. Only five minutes walk to the open countryside, for a start and the garden is not too bad. It has a surprise at the bottom which you will see by scrolling through the photos, below. It made my day when I saw it!

A view from the upstairs window
Steps lead to the Contemplation level

A bench lies hidden to one side

A place to sit and contemplate

At the rear of the garden is this fine vegetable patch!


  1. Looks like a stunning garden to me! Congrats on the new pad - hope it feels like home in no time.

  2. Hi Laurie,
    Looks pretty wonderful to me... Was the vegetable patch a gift from the previous owners, or did you do some work to make that look so positively prosperous ? I'm expecting Peter Rabbit to run by any second...

  3. Can I get in to view the gardens with my new National Trust card?:-)

  4. Can you fix my garden please?

  5. Joanna, Thanks - hopefully it will - especially when the posessions arrive!

    Hi Owen - previous owners did the work, but Peter Rabbit only arrived when we took over.

    Mike - No! :-)

    Ok Rosie - where's your garden?
