Saturday, 9 April 2011

Face in the Facade!

I was capturing some images to illustrate a future post on the need to look up when strolling about town, when I saw this face in the facade of an old inn. It reminded me of one of Doctor Who's Cybermen. This one seems to be in disguise as it is wearing a horse head hat! Note the eyelashes.


  1. O this is too cool Laurie. I enjoy wandering around with the cameras taking shots of things people don't often see with their own eyes. You must have chuckled seeing this. :)

  2. Even a red tongue visible in her mouth! And I say "her" because of those dramatic eyelashes and curly hair! Really creative architecture--round eyes, gothic era?, old, lace curtains. Was it a full inn or more of a pub? Great!

  3. A beautiful facade. Lovely light. Carla

  4. That's an awesome discovery. What a cool building. It pays to look up!

  5. Thanks Cheryl. It is nice to get out and about!

    Hi Margaret - it's a very old inn of 1660! Cyberwoman? Now that's a thought!

    Thanks, Carla - late afternoon light!

    Hi Sharon- Keep looking up but don't trip over!
